by theotherhat.biz


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Essential checklists for any skipper, perfect for anyone with a boat.

Dag Pikes Essential Boating Checklists for Yachts & Motor BoatsEssential checklists for any skipper - from Passage Planning to Safety Briefing, Navigation to Safety Equipment. On land we are all governed by a wide variety of rules and regulations that dictate almost everything you do. At sea the responsibility changes and the skipper is the one who mainly sets the rules and standards. There is a lot for a boats skipper to think about and I am a great believer in having check lists to make sure that nothing is missed. In this app is my selection of check lists that cover the wide range of things that the skipper has to deal with both in harbor before sailing and once at sea. The app is very easy to use. Simply work through the items on the lists and you can be comfortable that you have covered the things that need checking before you set off. ************ FEATURES and BENEFITS ************ - Perfect for anyone with a boat - Wide range of essential checklists - Always with you on your Phone or Tablet - No internet connection needed ********************************************************** Includes: Passage Planning Navigation Engine Crew Sails & Rigging Departure Radio Night Operations Fuel Management Weather Safety Briefing Engine spares Safety Equipment Boat spares & tools and more..... About the author: Dag Pike began his career as a merchant captain, went on to test lifeboats, and took up fast boat navigation, winning a string of trophies for powerboat races around the world, including navigating Richard Bransons Virgin Atlantic Challenger on the record-breaking fastest Atlantic crossing by powerboat. He is now a navigation and powerboat journalist in demand all round the world. ************* FREE Bonus Content from "Safe Skipper" ***************************** A bonus section has tips on how to deal with emergencies including: Abandon ship; Dismasting; Distress Signals; Engine Failure; Fire Fighting; Flares; Getting a tow; Helicopter rescue; Holed hull; Man overboard; Medical emergency; Mayday; Panpan; Securité.